Aïda Šulcs
Listening to the Rain
Jan 13-Feb 25 2023
I cut my teeth as a freelance illustrator. I developed muscle as an artist in education. I lost my way in a residency. I discovered my spine listening to the rain.
This work is a collection of short stories about humanity.
the egg is an invitation for relationship
listening begs earnest attention
rain is the almost invisible present
and the human figure is a vessel for our humanity.
There is a re-occurring rhythm of attachment, rupture and re-attachment. It occurs in the subject matter as well as in the style through the coupling of spontaneity and intention in the marks.
I often travel through uncomfortable terrain to visit histories and contemplate systems of behaviour.
I experiment with forms of expression - poetic and humorous, so the viewer can feel safe to jump in and contemplate too.
Selection of Works
To Feel A Likeness of Wings - To Be Lifted Up
58 x36
Strong Back Soft Front Wild Heart
58 x 36
Above Below In And Beside
58h x 36v
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The Gift - A Complicated Kindness
58 x 36
Secret Garden - Dark Night of The Soul
58 x 36
Choreographic Sequence For The Dance Of A Wild Heart (artist's statement)