Barbara Halladay

I have enjoyed the challenge of working with 'The REDS'! I was unaware that I seldom use this amazing colour with such freedom until this challenge. Red is like going out with friends on a Friday night, not knowing what is going to transpire, but you know it will be fun! I hope my paintings will instil this kind of joy in those who see them!

I Am Red

Acrylic on board, 12” x 12” $225

Barbara is a member of the Wolfe Island Gallery on beautiful Wolfe Island. An Art/English/Drama teacher (since retired WOOHOO!), she now expends her energies into creating art. Her inspiration comes from the environment around her, often abstracted, and exudes a joy and energy found only in those who love what they do. But don't be fooled, though her inspiration often comes from the environment around her, often her work is anything but pastoral!

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Anne Linton


Ben Darrah