Rhéni Tauchid

Nov. 10 - Dec. 3

Opening Reception Friday, Nov 10 5-7pm

“A joyous celebration, a deeper dive  and  sometimes  measured meditation, on the lush saturation and interplay of  pigment and light.”

The Colour Factory

My life is colour. Its origin, its production, its usage, its celebration. I am immersed, versed and utterly influenced by colour. Colour is my life. 

The paintings I produce are primarily a response to the materials I use, expressed through colour and non-representational mark making. There is a universality in the suggestion of landscape that is defined only by horizon, and a global aesthetic that knows no specific language, symbol nor iconography. These  works are produced using acrylic colours and mediums.

This new collection of work, produced over the past three years, has me moving away (somewhat) from the emphasis on suggested landscape, and moving towards a purer exploration of colour fields and surfaces.   These are a joyous celebration, a deeper dive  and  sometimes  measured meditation, on the lush saturation and interplay of  pigment and light. 

Rhéni Tauchid

Rhéni Tauchid is an author, painter, and educator. Born in Canada, and raised in three continents, by Canadian and Indonesian parents working for the United Nations, Rhéni Tauchid's upbringing was heavily influenced by an indefinable, though emphatically global, aesthetic. She endeavours to express her love of language, texture and light through the manipulation of the acrylic medium. 

In her professional life at Tri-Art Mfg. Inc. continues to enrich the tapestry of her creative expression. Rhéni is materials consultant, part of the product development team, and founder of the Tri-Art Acrylic Education Program and the Art Noise Studio program. She teaches painting workshops and lectures locally and abroad. Rhéni is co-director and curator of the Tri-Art Gallery, located inside Art Noise at 290 Princess Street.

Rhéni is the author of The New Acrylics (Watson-Guptill/Random House, 2005),  New Acrylics Essential Sourcebook, (Watson-Guptill/Penguin Random House, 2009).  Her books have been translated into Dutch and German. Her third book, Acrylic Painting Mediums & Methods (The Monacelli Press, 2018) explores the intricacies and possibilities of acrylic mediums.  She is based in Kingston, Ontario Canada.

Gallery walkthrough

The Colour Factory

View the Artwork