Elisabeth Baechlin

All my creations are inspired by nature. My paintings are mostly of animals that I encounter on my trail runs and walks in local forests.I was inspired to paint "Ray the Woodpecker" for quite some time. The area I live in is home to a variety of classical North American birds such as blue jays, cardinals, humming birds in the summer months, owls and different types of woodpeckers. I am specifically drawn to pileated woodpeckers because of their distinctive red head feathers. Even on a grey and rainy day they seem to glow when their heads peak out behind a tree stem.

Ray the Woodpecker

Acrylic on panel, 24” x 24” $650

Based in Ottawa, Elisabeth Baechlin is an artist who specializes in fine arts including acrylic painting and one-of-a-kind jewelry making. She is a certified goldsmith and a graduate from the Academy of Art and Design Berlin (KHB), Germany, with a M.A. in Fine Arts and Design. A great deal of her recent work is painted on wooden canvas. All her creations are inspired by nature. Her latest paintings are mostly of landscapes and animals that she encounters on her walks and trail runs in local forests. Elisabeth's paintings and jewelry can be found in private collections as well as in galleries throughout Canada and Germany.

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Debra Krakow


Elizabeth Minnes