Ann Decker
Recently I met with a friend I hadn’t seen for a year. We had met at art school so we talked art throughout lunch. At one point we compared eye glasses. Mine and hers were alike! “Snap”, she said. When I returned home, I got out my watercolours and a small mirror, and drew a selfie directly onto the watercolour paper. I included the glasses even though I find them challenging to draw. This portrait is about spontaneity, excitement and letting the watercolour do its thing. I embrace the random flow of pigment and water. I love the moments of seeing abstract shapes, colours and shadows unite into a portrait. During the pandemic I followed various life drawing and portrait sessions on Zoom. I am delightfully surprised how much I enjoy the process of painting the landscape of the face and body.
Subject: Self
Snap 2023, watercolour on paper, 15" x 19" includes frame
Ann Decker was born in Newfoundland, and spent her work life in Ontario, Quebec and internationally. Following a career in IT, she studied art at university in England. She graduated in 2009 and practiced as a ceramic sculptor for a number of years creating brightly coloured organic sculptures. Ann moved to Kingston 5 years ago and started developing her painting skills from her home studio. She draws and paints natural forms, including the nude figure and portraits. Her love of colour and abstraction is present in most of her works. Ann creates in charcoal, India ink, acrylic, water-based oil paints and watercolour.